Fees & Sessions

St Rochs Childcare Service understands that the cost of registered childcare may seem expensive to parents. However, providing a high quality, safe and stimulating environment for children is not cheap and to ensure the continued high standards and sustainability of the service, it must ask that parents respects its policy in respect of fees. At St Rochs we value our relationship with parents/carers and will be sympathetic towards any difficult in paying theirs child’s fees. However, we are unable to function effectively without these payments.

New starts will be required to pay a two week deposit plus weeks fees upfront before children start the service. This secures your place within the service, deposits will be returned when your child leaves providing you give two weeks’ notice. Fees are expected to be paid one week, one month or 4 weekly in advance.

If your child only wishes to attend using the funded hours only no deposit will be taken for this, if your child wishes to leave four weeks notice needs to be given for funded only hours.

The nursery is open 8:00am-6:00pm.


  • Full day session:  8:00am-6:00pm
  • Am session:  8:00am-1:00pm
  • Pm session:  1:00pm-6:00pm
Age0-2 year olds2-3 year olds3-5 year olds
Full day (8am-6pm)£36.00£35.00£32.00
Am (8am-1pm)£18.60£18.20£16.60
Pm (1pm-6pm)£17.40£16.80£15.40
  • Operates 3:00pm-6:00pm during term time
  • Cost per session term time is £17.00
  • Holiday Cover operates 8:00am-6:00pm
  • Holiday cover £20.00 per session

The Service operated 50 weeks of the year, closing for the two week period at Christmas. Fees are payable 50 weeks of the year. The service closes for bank holidays and 4 in-service training days, you are required to pay for these as part of your weekly/monthly or 4 weekly fee. You are not required to pay for the two week closure at Christmas and New Year.

Non attendance due to illness/holidays or other reasons will be charged for. This included emergency closures. This is an unplanned incident or situation that results in the service not able to operate.

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