Nursery and out of school care provision offered over 50 weeks per year
Welcome to St Roch's Childcare Service
St Roch’s Childcare Service provides an excellent high quality childcare provision. We strive to be flexible, offering a 50-week service from 8.00am to 6.00pm, thus enabling us to meet the needs of all our families. Furthermore, allowing parents and carers the opportunity to return to or sustain employment training or education.
We are registered with the Care Inspectorate to care for children from around 6 weeks to 5 years at our nursery in Charles Street. We also offer afterschool care and holiday cover to school age children at Royston Primary School.
A positive, safe, healthy, nurturing and rich environment is paramount to promoting our children’s learning. Highly skilled dedicated staff offer a broad and balanced curriculum and The Getting It Right for Every Child practice model threaded through our service encourages respect for others, trust and opportunities for children to be included in a wide range of activities and experiences.
Children, service users and families will be fully supported by staff members to achieve their potential. The service promotes equal opportunities for all children to develop and grow into unique individuals with acquired skills to prepare them for their future. At St Roch’s we use our knowledge and expertise to lay the foundations for lifelong learners who become responsible citizens within our community.
We work in partnership with Glasgow City Council to offer eligible two and three years old government funded childcare placements. Please enquire to assess eligibility.